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Brittany's Kitten Rescue

Rescuing Kittens & Finding Them Forever Homes

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Home: Welcome


My name is Brittany and I rescue kittens. My husband and I have been fostering kittens for almost two years now, adopting six ourselves and adopting out almost thirty others. We take care of our little fur babies until they are healthy, fixed, and at an age where they can be adopted. We take in kittens that are three weeks old and up.

Home: About

Our Initiatives



We always strive to not only get kittens off the streets, but also to give them the best quality of care and tons of love before finding them their forever homes.


Our rescue efforts don't just stop at bringing kittens in off the streets. We provide the best food, the best home care, the best medical care, and then, we get our furry friends the best forever homes. We vet every adoption candidate to make sure every home is a good fit for our fur babies.

Home: Our Work
Home: Contact
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